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 Mengatasi Kerusakanpada Blackberry

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Mengatasi Kerusakanpada Blackberry Empty
PostSubyek: Mengatasi Kerusakanpada Blackberry   Mengatasi Kerusakanpada Blackberry Icon_minitimeFri 2 Sep - 0:49:34

Blackberry tidak terlepas dari permasalahan, salah
satunya adalah kegagalan blackberry untuk hidup
kembali dengan indikasi terdapat layar putih
dengan pesan kesalahan, layar gelap hanya LED
saja yang menyala atau bahkan hanya layar gelap
belaka (mati total atau sering disebut matot). Hal
ini dapat diakibatkan oleh banyak faktor. Secara
garis besar penyebab matinya Blackberry dapat
dibagi menjadi 2 faktor yaitu:
1. Kerusakan Hardware
2. Kerusakan Software
Artikel ini mencoba mendiagnosis permasalahan
apakah diakibatkan oleh permasalahan hardware
ataupun permasalahan software. Ada beberapa
usaha yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi
permasalahan ini yaitu copot battery, tukar
Copot Battery
Usaha pertama yang perlu dilakukan adalah
dengan melakukan “Battery Pull” atau copot
battery. Hal ini dilakukan dengan cara melepas
baterai dan menunggu sekitar lebih kurang 3
menit sebelum memasang kembali battery.
Apabila tidak berhasil, coba lepas SIM Card dan
Media Card sebelum memasang kembali battery.
Apabila blackberry masih tidak dapat menyala,
coba lakukan tukar battery atau Recharge battery
yang caranya akan dijelaskan berikut ini.
Tukar Battery
Usaha tukar battery bertujuan untuk memastikan
bahwa permasalahan bukan diakibatkan oleh
battery, hal yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan
mencoba memasang baterai yang “good” dan
“fully recharge” ke blackberry yang bermasalah.
Apabila blackberry dapat menyala, ganti atau
charge ulang battery menggunakan cara berikut
ini. Apabila tidak berhasil, artinya permasalahan
bukan disebabkan oleh battery, coba dengan
me-”reload” OS.
Recharge Battery
Usaha ini mencoba melakukan charging pada
battery yang sudah habis total.
1. Cabut Baterai, SIM Card, Media Card, biarkan
2. Jalankan Desktop Manager
3. Sambungkan Blackberry dengan PC
menggunakan kabel USB
4. Tunggu sampai muncul gambar battery disilang
5. Pasang battery tanpa melepas sambungan
blackberry dengan PC
6. Tunggu sampai Blackberry menyala, biarkan
charge sampai beberapa garis battery
7. Cabut koneksi, segera charge dengan charger
Masuk ke Safe Mode
Apabila masalah terjadi setelah instalasi aplikasi/
themes dan setelah reboot tidak dapat masuk ke
home, coba masuk ke safe mode dan hapus
aplikasi/themes pada modus safe mode.
1. Lepas dan pasang kembali baterai
2. Ketika Lampu LED mati, tekan dan tahan tombol
Escape sampai muncul kotak dialog
3. Jawab OK
Untuk kembali ke modus normal dengan cara
lepas batterai dan pasang kembali baterai.
Reload Sistem Operasi
Langkah pertama adalah mencoba me-load
sistem operasi Blackberry menggunakan bantuan
command prompt (lihat Repair Nuked
Blackberry). Install Desktop Manager pada PC,
kemudian install OS menggunakan OS “bawaan”
yang biasanya disertakan di dalam CD yang
terdapat di dalam kardus Blackberry. Pastikan OS
lain yang sudah diinstall di dalam PC dihapus
terlebih dahulu.
Delete file Vendor.xml yang terdapat di dalam
folder “Program Files/Common Files/Research in
Pastikan Desktop Manager tidak “Running” di
dalam Windows, apabila Desktop Manager
“Running”, Matikan autostart dan restart
Windows. Kemudian ikuti langkah langkah di
bawah ini:
1. Jalankan Command Prompt (Ketik Alt+R
kemudian ketik cmd + Enter)
2. Ketikkan pada Command Prompt
CD \ (Tekan Enter)
CD PROGRA~1 (Tekan Enter)
CD COMMON~1 (Tekan Enter)
CD RESEAR~1 (Tekan Enter)
CD APPLOA~1 (Tekan Enter)
LOADER /NOJVM (Tekan Enter)
3. Tunggu sampai selesai
4. Restore Backup anda dengan Desktop Manager
apabila proses loading firmware selesai
Apabila cara ini masih belum berhasil,
kemungkinan besar permasalahan Blackberry
disebabkan oleh kerusakan Hardware.
LED Error Code
Kode kedipan lampu LED pada saat awal loading
blackberry menunjukkan suatu nilai biner yang
menginformasikan pesan dari bootROM. Kode ini
ditampilkan dalam bentuk kedipan lampu led
berwarna merah,
biner 1 ditunjukkan dengan nyala kedip (lampu
merah) sedangkan biner 0 ditunjukkan dengan
tidak nyalanya led (off). Apabila led menyala
secara kontinyu, ini merupakan pesan sedang
melakukan security wipe, apabila led menyala
kontinyu tidak pada saat melakukan security
wipe, ini mengindikasikan adanya kerusakan
1 (desimal = 1) Bukan problem, kode ini adalah
normal saat restart
11 (desimal = 3) Tidak ada sistem operasi di dalam
blackberry, lakukan reload sistem operasi (pakai
jurus /nojvm)
101 (desimal = 5) Bad OS CRC
111 (desimal = 7) Missing OS CRC
1011 (desimal = 11) Missing OS Trailer
1101 (desimal = 13)OS Not Signed, coba loading
OS kembali
1111 (desimal = 15) OS Signature Invalid, coba
loading kembali OS dan biarkan mati tanpa baterai
selama hampir 30 menit, kemudian coba
hidupkan kembali. Apabila tetap muncul pesak
kesalahan, coba lakukan penggantian flash.
10101 (desimal = 21) Unknown Flash
Manufacturer, coba lakukan penggantian flash
10111 (desimal = 23) Flash Initialization Problem,
coba lakukan penggantian flash
11011 (desimal = 27) Flash Erase Failure ,coba
lakukan penggantian flash
11101 (desimal = 29) Flash Operation Out Of Range
11111 (desimal = 31) Bad BootROM CRC, coba
lakukan penggantian flash
101011 (desimal = 43) USB Driver Error
101101 (desimal = 45) No BootROM CRC
101111 (desimal = 47) Flash Write Failure, coba
lakukan penggantian flash
110101 (desimal = 53) Invalid Memory
Configuration Table
110111 (desimal = 55) Password Not Initiated
111011 (desimal = 59) RAM Initialization Problem,
coba lakukan penggantian flash
111101 (desimal = 61) Cache No Pages Free
111111 (desimal = 63) Cache Invalid Page Type
1010101 (desimal = 85) Random Number Failure
1010111 (desimal = 87) OSStore Failure
1011011 (desimal = 91) Security Init Failure
1011101 (desimal = 93) NAND failure
1011111 (desimal = 95) General Assert Failure
1101011 (desimal = 107) GPIO failure
1101101 (desimal = 109) Runtime library failure
1101111 (desimal = 111) Exception: undefined
1110101 (desimal = 117) Exception: SWI
1110111 (desimal = 119) Exception: Prefetch Abort
1111011 (desimal = 123) Exception: Data Abort
1111101 (desimal = 125) Exception: Reserved
1111111 (desimal = 127) Exception: IRQ
10101011 (desimal = 171) Exception: FIQ
JVM Error Code
101 Internal JVM error.
102 Invalid code in file system. The .cod files in
the handheld have been checked for modification
and it has been determined that there is a
problem with one or more .cod files.
103 The starting address for the boot .cod file
cannot be found. This might mean that a
boot .cod file has not been installed on the
handheld, or that its format is invalid or corrupt.
104 An uncaught Java exception was thrown in
the Java code and diagnosed by the JVM.
Execution can be continued or the handheld can
be attached to a debugger on a desktop through
a serial or USB cable. The event log should
contain the traceback of the thrown exception.
105 An OS file system API returned an error
status for a certain operation. This can indicate a
corrupt file system or an error in the JVM.
106 An error has been detected in the graphics
system of the handheld.
107 Internal JVM error.
108 Internal JVM error.
109 Internal OS error.
110 Non-idle event downtime error. A problem
has been detected in the accumulation of JVM
down time that represents how long the JVM has
been idle. This indicates an error in either the OS
code or the JVM code.
200 Application manager threw an uncaught
exception. The application manager event thread
threw an uncaught exception and so cannot
continue running.
201 Initialization of the cryptographic system
failed and the handheld cannot continue to
202 An attack on the key store has been
detected, and the handheld cannot continue to
203 The application manager console process,
usually the Home screen ribbon, has failed, like
due to an uncaught exception.
501 Internal error.
502 All processes exited. The last Java process
has terminated, and there is nothing left to
503 Internal error.
504 Internal error.
505 Internal error.
506 An uncaught Java exception was thrown
in the initial VM Java thread thus killing the only
live thread in the system. The event log contains
the traceback for the exception.
507 A dependency on a .cod file could not be
satisfied due to a missing .cod file. Load the
missing .cod file onto the handheld.
508 Invalid object. A problem has been
detected with a debugger command to the VM.
516 Error occurred during garbage collection,
which might indicate a corrupted file system.
510 All threads are waiting on objects, which
results in a deadlock. The system cannot recover
from this state since no thread can release a lock.
511 A problem has occurred during
515 The reachable objects form a group that
cannot be represented properly by the VM
because there are too many objects or the total
size of the objects is too large.
516 When committing a persistent object, the
VM found that the persistent store id counter has
reached its limit. The object was not committed.
517 An inconsistency has been detected in the
VM persistent object store.
518 Internal error.
519 Internal error.
520 Internal error.
521 Indicates that Object.wait() has been
executed by a thread that holds a lock on another
object; occurs only in simulator if the
JvmDebugWaits application switch.
522 A thread has acquired two locks on
objects in an order that doesn’t match the order
that previous locks for the two types were
acquired, which indicates a future potential
deadlock situation; reported only in the simulator
when the JvmDebugLocks application switch is
523 A critical Java process has died and the
device cannot continue to operate normally.
524 An object has been marked as recovered
by the Low Memory Manager but it was not freed
during a garbage collection. This is only checked
in the simulator under the control of the
JvmDebugLMM application switch.
525 Bad persistent object. An auto-commit
operation during a garbage collection has
detected a non-persistent object reachable from
the persistent store root. The type of the object
has been output into the event log.
526 The class definition for java.lang.Object
cannot be found.
527 The class definition for java.lang.String
cannot be found.
528 The file system is corrupted. Data on the
handheld is unrecoverable.
529 The file system is corrupted. An attempt is
going to be made to recover data, but some data
might be lost.
530 Internal JVM error.
531 Flash memory has been exhausted.
532 A JVM assertion has been violated. This
error can occur only in the simulator, not on an
actual handheld.y
Usaha pertama yang perlu dilakukan adalah
dengan melakukan “Battery Pull” atau copot
battery. Hal ini dilakukan dengan cara melepas
baterai dan menunggu sekitar lebih kurang 3
menit sebelum memasang kembali battery.
Apabila tidak berhasil, coba lepas SIM Card dan
Media Card sebelum memasang kembali battery.
Apabila blackberry masih tidak dapat menyala,
coba lakukan tukar battery atau Recharge battery
yang caranya akan dijelaskan berikut ini.
Tukar Battery
Usaha tukar battery bertujuan untuk memastikan
bahwa permasalahan bukan diakibatkan oleh
battery, hal yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan
mencoba memasang baterai yang “good” dan
“fully recharge” ke blackberry yang bermasalah.
Apabila blackberry dapat menyala, ganti atau
charge ulang battery menggunakan cara berikut
ini. Apabila tidak berhasil, artinya permasalahan
bukan disebabkan oleh battery, coba dengan
me-”reload” OS.
Recharge Battery
Usaha ini mencoba melakukan charging pada
battery yang sudah habis total.
1. Cabut Baterai, SIM Card, Media Card, biarkan
2. Jalankan Desktop Manager
3. Sambungkan Blackberry dengan PC
menggunakan kabel USB
4. Tunggu sampai muncul gambar battery disilang
5. Pasang battery tanpa melepas sambungan
blackberry dengan PC
6. Tunggu sampai Blackberry menyala, biarkan
charge sampai beberapa garis battery
7. Cabut koneksi, segera charge dengan charger
Masuk ke Safe Mode
Apabila masalah terjadi setelah instalasi aplikasi/
themes dan setelah reboot tidak dapat masuk ke
home, coba masuk ke safe mode dan hapus
aplikasi/themes pada modus safe mode.
1. Lepas dan pasang kembali baterai
2. Ketika Lampu LED mati, tekan dan tahan tombol
Escape sampai muncul kotak dialog
3. Jawab OK
Untuk kembali ke modus normal dengan cara
lepas batterai dan pasang kembali baterai.
Reload Sistem Operasi
Langkah pertama adalah mencoba me-load
sistem operasi Blackberry menggunakan bantuan
command prompt (lihat Repair Nuked
Blackberry). Install Desktop Manager pada PC,
kemudian install OS menggunakan OS “bawaan”
yang biasanya disertakan di dalam CD yang
terdapat di dalam kardus Blackberry. Pastikan OS
lain yang sudah diinstall di dalam PC dihapus
terlebih dahulu.
Delete file Vendor.xml yang terdapat di dalam
folder “Program Files/Common Files/Research in
Pastikan Desktop Manager tidak “Running” di
dalam Windows, apabila Desktop Manager
“Running”, Matikan autostart dan restart
Windows. Kemudian ikuti langkah langkah di
bawah ini:
1. Jalankan Command Prompt (Ketik Alt+R
kemudian ketik cmd + Enter)
2. Ketikkan pada Command Prompt
CD \ (Tekan Enter)
CD PROGRA~1 (Tekan Enter)
CD COMMON~1 (Tekan Enter)
CD RESEAR~1 (Tekan Enter)
CD APPLOA~1 (Tekan Enter)
LOADER /NOJVM (Tekan Enter)
3. Tunggu sampai selesai
4. Restore Backup anda dengan Desktop Manager
apabila proses loading firmware selesai
Apabila cara ini masih belum berhasil,
kemungkinan besar permasalahan Blackberry
disebabkan oleh kerusakan Hardware.
LED Error Code
Kode kedipan lampu LED pada saat awal loading
blackberry menunjukkan suatu nilai biner yang
menginformasikan pesan dari bootROM. Kode ini
ditampilkan dalam bentuk kedipan lampu led
berwarna merah,
biner 1 ditunjukkan dengan nyala kedip (lampu
merah) sedangkan biner 0 ditunjukkan dengan
tidak nyalanya led (off). Apabila led menyala
secara kontinyu, ini merupakan pesan sedang
melakukan security wipe, apabila led menyala
kontinyu tidak pada saat melakukan security
wipe, ini mengindikasikan adanya kerusakan
1 (desimal = 1) Bukan problem, kode ini adalah
normal saat restart
11 (desimal = 3) Tidak ada sistem operasi di dalam
blackberry, lakukan reload sistem operasi (pakai
jurus /nojvm)
101 (desimal = 5) Bad OS CRC
111 (desimal = 7) Missing OS CRC
1011 (desimal = 11) Missing OS Trailer
1101 (desimal = 13)OS Not Signed, coba loading
OS kembali
1111 (desimal = 15) OS Signature Invalid, coba
loading kembali OS dan biarkan mati tanpa baterai
selama hampir 30 menit, kemudian coba
hidupkan kembali. Apabila tetap muncul pesak
kesalahan, coba lakukan penggantian flash.
10101 (desimal = 21) Unknown Flash
Manufacturer, coba lakukan penggantian flash
10111 (desimal = 23) Flash Initialization Problem,
coba lakukan penggantian flash
11011 (desimal = 27) Flash Erase Failure ,coba
lakukan penggantian flash
11101 (desimal = 29) Flash Operation Out Of Range
11111 (desimal = 31) Bad BootROM CRC, coba
lakukan penggantian flash
101011 (desimal = 43) USB Driver Error
101101 (desimal = 45) No BootROM CRC
101111 (desimal = 47) Flash Write Failure, coba
lakukan penggantian flash
110101 (desimal = 53) Invalid Memory
Configuration Table
110111 (desimal = 55) Password Not Initiated
111011 (desimal = 59) RAM Initialization Problem,
coba lakukan penggantian flash
111101 (desimal = 61) Cache No Pages Free
111111 (desimal = 63) Cache Invalid Page Type
1010101 (desimal = 85) Random Number Failure
1010111 (desimal = 87) OSStore Failure
1011011 (desimal = 91) Security Init Failure
1011101 (desimal = 93) NAND failure
1011111 (desimal = 95) General Assert Failure
1101011 (desimal = 107) GPIO failure
1101101 (desimal = 109) Runtime library failure
1101111 (desimal = 111) Exception: undefined
1110101 (desimal = 117) Exception: SWI
1110111 (desimal = 119) Exception: Prefetch Abort
1111011 (desimal = 123) Exception: Data Abort
1111101 (desimal = 125) Exception: Reserved
1111111 (desimal = 127) Exception: IRQ
10101011 (desimal = 171) Exception: FIQ
JVM Error Code
101 Internal JVM error.
102 Invalid code in file system. The .cod files in
the handheld have been checked for modification
and it has been determined that there is a
problem with one or more .cod files.
103 The starting address for the boot .cod file
cannot be found. This might mean that a
boot .cod file has not been installed on the
handheld, or that its format is invalid or corrupt.
104 An uncaught Java exception was thrown in
the Java code and diagnosed by the JVM.
Execution can be continued or the handheld can
be attached to a debugger on a desktop through
a serial or USB cable. The event log should
contain the traceback of the thrown exception.
105 An OS file system API returned an error
status for a certain operation. This can indicate a
corrupt file system or an error in the JVM.
106 An error has been detected in the graphics
system of the handheld.
107 Internal JVM error.
108 Internal JVM error.
109 Internal OS error.
110 Non-idle event downtime error. A problem
has been detected in the accumulation of JVM
down time that represents how long the JVM has
been idle. This indicates an error in either the OS
code or the JVM code.
200 Application manager threw an uncaught
exception. The application manager event thread
threw an uncaught exception and so cannot
continue running.
201 Initialization of the cryptographic system
failed and the handheld cannot continue to
202 An attack on the key store has been
detected, and the handheld cannot continue to
203 The application manager console process,
usually the Home screen ribbon, has failed, like
due to an uncaught exception.
501 Internal error.
502 All processes exited. The last Java process
has terminated, and there is nothing left to
503 Internal error.
504 Internal error.
505 Internal error.
506 An uncaught Java exception was thrown
in the initial VM Java thread thus killing the only
live thread in the system. The event log contains
the traceback for the exception.
507 A dependency on a .cod file could not be
satisfied due to a missing .cod file. Load the
missing .cod file onto the handheld.
508 Invalid object. A problem has been
detected with a debugger command to the VM.
516 Error occurred during garbage collection,
which might indicate a corrupted file system.
510 All threads are waiting on objects, which
results in a deadlock. The system cannot recover
from this state since no thread can release a lock.
511 A problem has occurred during
515 The reachable objects form a group that
cannot be represented properly by the VM
because there are too many objects or the total
size of the objects is too large.
516 When committing a persistent object, the
VM found that the persistent store id counter has
reached its limit. The object was not committed.
517 An inconsistency has been detected in the
VM persistent object store.
518 Internal error.
519 Internal error.
520 Internal error.
521 Indicates that Object.wait() has been
executed by a thread that holds a lock on another
object; occurs only in simulator if the
JvmDebugWaits application switch.
522 A thread has acquired two locks on
objects in an order that doesn’t match the order
that previous locks for the two types were
acquired, which indicates a future potential
deadlock situation; reported only in the simulator
when the JvmDebugLocks application switch is
523 A critical Java process has died and the
device cannot continue to operate normally.
524 An object has been marked as recovered
by the Low Memory Manager but it was not freed
during a garbage collection. This is only checked
in the simulator under the control of the
JvmDebugLMM application switch.
525 Bad persistent object. An auto-commit
operation during a garbage collection has
detected a non-persistent object reachable from
the persistent store root. The type of the object
has been output into the event log.
526 The class definition for java.lang.Object
cannot be found.
527 The class definition for java.lang.String
cannot be found.
528 The file system is corrupted. Data on the
handheld is unrecoverable.
529 The file system is corrupted. An attempt is
going to be made to recover data, but some data
might be lost.
530 Internal JVM error.
531 Flash memory has been exhausted.
532 A JVM assertion has been violated. This
error can occur only in the simulator, not on an
actual handheld.
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